Privacy Policy
At MOCION, we take the privacy of our users and clients very seriously. Therefore, we have created this privacy policy to explain how we collect, use, disclose and manage the personal data of our visitors and customers.
In our privacy policy you will find detailed information about:
- What type of information we collect.
- How we collect information.
- Why we collect that personal information.
- How we store, use, share and disclose the personal information of visitors to our website.
- Our communication with visitors to our website.
- How we protect the personal information of our users and clients.
If you have any questions or concerns related to our privacy policy, do not hesitate to contact us through our contact information that you will find on this page.
What information do we collect?
- At MOCION, we collect personal information from our users and clients in order to provide them with personalized services adapted to their needs. The information we collect includes:
- Contact information, such as your name, email address and phone number.
- Payment information, such as your credit or debit card number.
- Information about your interests and preferences.
How do we use the information we collect?
At MOCION, we use the personal information we collect to:
- Provide personalized services adapted to the needs of our users and clients.
- Improve our services and products.
- Send marketing communications and special promotions.
Under no circumstances do we sell or share the personal information of our users and clients with third parties without their explicit consent.